Useful links
Useful links
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Arduion, ESP8266



Server setup

Arduion, ESP8266

Arduino Reference
Arduino reference for the programming language. Functions, explanations, API descriptions for the base environment.
RPi GPIO Code Samples -
Basic C for Raspberry PI systems that can be used to drive the GPIO pins to communicate with periferials, such as relays, sensors or even an LCD display. There are specific libraries for standard protocols, but the basics are here.
How to check tft lcd driver - Microcontroller Projects
There are a lot of cheap, mainly chinese TFT LCD devices on the market. They are not always delivered with the driver specified, or it not even specified. There is a good method to detect the driver.
Need help determining TFT controller | AVR Freaks
Another TFT LCD idntification helper, in case the previous link did not solve the issue.
How should unused I/O pins be configured on ATMega328P for lowest power consumption? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Power consumption is sometimes critical. If you need to find the way how to minimize it, here is a good description. The basic logic can be applied to other processors with minor changes.
PNP Transistor switching
Sometimes you need higher current to switch that can not be handled by the microcontroller. This is the time for the transistors to step in. Here is a good guide, how to plan it.
5 of the best and free PCB design software platforms available - Electronic Products
When you are ready with the design and it's time to create the final, long lasting implementation, than you need a tool to create your PCB design. Here are some tools compared. Choose one.
EasyEDA - Online PCB design & circuit simulator
A good online PCB designer. This was the one I've choosen finally.


Sonoff switch complete hack without firmware upgrade
If you do not want to solder and still want to use a custom firmware on your Sonoff, eg Tasmota or any own ESP8266 based code, heres a way to do it over the air


VMware - Official Site
The basis of virtualization is the engine capable to run virtual machines. Like VMWare. I use it run numerous VMs on a single physical server.
Empowering App Development for Developers | Docker
You can run virtual instances on a single machine, so called conatiners. This way you can deploy programs together with their environments, making deployment easier and faster. The most popular framework for it is Docker.
Overview of Docker Compose | Docker Documentation
Docker gives you large number of configuration possibilities. Docker Compose gives you a tool that makes it easier to maintain through YAML files. This does most of the job, reproducable, fast and easy.
Docker Hub
Docker uses images, that you can use to download turnkey implentations. Download the one and start it. Such images are available in a large central collection, called Docker HUB. If someone did it already, you can simply download it and use.
How to Set Up Virtualized pfSense on VMware ESXi 6.x
When building your environment with vitual machines, it's good to start it with a firewall to give you a proper control between your networks. This is a good tutorial on how to setup pfSense on VMWare.
PLEX - Docker Hub
For home entertainment, PLEX is a good opportunity. Simply download and start using it via Docker. My advice is to use external volumes configured for your media files, do not store them within the image.
Folding at home - Docker Hub
FoldingAtHome is a community tool to support researchers from all around the world. It utilizes the free capacity of your computer to execute complex calculations for scientific researches, such as COVID-19 analysis. You can run it from Docker also to make it simple. Don't forget to reconfigure the system to use your own user if you want to see your own contribution.

Server setup
Either Desktop or Server, Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux Distro. Even Sheldon Cooper likes it the most (Big Bang Theory).
Alpine Linux
A good, small, security focused Linux. Ideal to be used in Docker also.
Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates
The basis of the modern internet communication is SSL. You can purchase certificates for a fee or if it suites your needs, there are free options available. This is one of the most widely used provider that gives you a 90 day valid cert, but renewal is easy to automate.
Setting Up A Mail Server Using Exim4, Clamav, Dovecot, SpamAssassin And Many More On Debian Lenny
A good desctiption of a full e-mail service ecosystem based on Linux. There were changes in some of the components configuration methods, you need to work on this, but the basics are well collected.
pfSense® - World's Most Trusted Open Source Firewall
One of the best home firewalls. Versatile, well supported free and secure solution.